Marcin Potoczny / Platform no.1
25th November 2010 - 5th February 2011

Marcin Potoczny was born in Krakow but lives and works in London. He graduated in fine arts (painting) at the University of Fine Arts in Krakow and in digital graphics at LCC. In his works Marcin discloses his preoccupations with virtual reality and science to explain the real in terms of mathematical formula and the philosophy of Plato.

The aim of Platform no 1 is to uncover and show these abstract dimensions that govern the perceived experiential reality on canvas. To make visible something that is radically abstract and 'spectre like' in Zizek’s words, or that defies representation on the phenomenological plane. The conscious experiential plane lures and blinds us with seemingly non - reducible differences between unique and incomparable things.


Gut Club / Belly Brain
12th December 2010

Gut Club invites you to an evening of practical science, social art and political philosophy to awaken the Belly Brain. Gut Club launches it first Menu/Manifesto of Irish Jamaican Tapas served in the salubrious environs of the Bun House. With a selection of fine homemade beverages and fresh seasonal, alternatively sourced delicacies, Belly Brain is both a tasting event of specially prepared food, cooked on site by Gut Clubs in-house chef and a living work of performance art. Gut Club will introduce you to the reality of the Belly Brain, gently massaging your Vagus Nerve, whilst regaling your eyes and snout with our X MOD Field Kitchen and the delectable odours produced there in. 

Join us in the Open Bowel Movement! An army marches on it's stomach!


Sarah Messenger / Life Without Leo
11th - 24th November 2010

Scottish artist Sarah Messenger celebrated Leonardo DiCaprio's birthday with her new project entitled 'A Life Without Leo'. The installation was accompanied by live look-alike competition in a pub. The winner was invited to cut the birthday cake and blow out the candles as a homage to our favourite blond-haired blue-eyed actor.


Georgia Rodger / Figurehead
29th October - 18th November 2010

Georgia Rodger’s practice to-date has focused on process heavy sculpture, often utilizing performance to activate the object. Her sculptures have a subverted figurative relationship with the body – they are not necessarily a representation but an extension.

This new site-specific work created for The Bun House centres around the female figurehead’s dual roles as leader and sacrifice.The hand carved figure, mounted on a bathtub as if on a ship’s prow, appears to have slipped through from inside the bath; a private domestic setting, to being outside it; at the forefront of the public realm. 

Throughout the development of the work Georgia has been running a choir who will be in residence throughout the show, bringing many voices to contrast with the silent monument of the ‘Figurehead’. This musical element to the exhibition continues themes inherent in Georgia’s past works combining sculpture, performance and music.

Choir performances – PV 28th October, 4th and 11th November.
Joel Grey / Telephatic
23rd July - 15th August

Joel Gray - In the fragmentation of families and communities digital technology represents a process of retribalisation. Far from reinstating these core societal structures technology redraws boundaries and strikes allegiances along different lines, at the end of digital currents is the inevitable pull of the product; the new tribes gather for the profit.
27th May 2010

As Swarfega prepare for their first gig of 2010 we thought we'd get them in the mood by showing a handful of their best performances to date and some of their warm up sessions. 
Join us at The Bun House to celebrate "a nihilistic chicken pissing percussion troupe", as described by a random bloke on youtube.
"If you don't get why this is great you're in big trouble." - another random on youtube


Matthew Cowan / The Beams And Joists Are Made Of Butter
8th April - 5th May 2010

A series of works by Matthew Cowan originating from the medieval parodic paradise, the Land of Cockaigne. Private view evening will host the performance 'I have been to Itty Titty' by Cowan starting at 9pm sharp. Folk-inspired melodies from disk jockeys and bands to follow.

Far out to sea and west of Spain
There is a country named Cockaigne:
There’s nothing there but holy-days
With music out of measure;
Who can forbear to speak the praise
Of such a land of pleasure?
There may you lead a lazy life
Free from all kind of labours:
And he that is without a wife,
May borrow of his neighbour.

Extract from “An Invitation to Lubberland” 1685


Amy Petra Woodward & Alexander Rathbone / SKAM
11th - 28th May 2010

Alex Rathbone and Amy Petra Woodward work collaboratively to create an exhibition of crappy DIY mystical artefacts, phantom bands and screens into a parallel dimension of black holes and paint. 

The show, entitled Skam, isn't strictly speaking collaborative. Nor is it one installation. It is in fact two discreet display of each artists uncompromised practice. (…) The title, seemingly referring to a confidence trick, is maybe hinting at the possibility that the artists themselves may not believe in what have set up for us.

Press Release by Peter Simpson


Michael J Davis / The System Can Always Be Extended
4th - 21st February 2010

Using the literal dimensions of the Project Space, Davis has created a three dimensional interjection that transforms this data into parameters and instructions, via a series of mathematical formula.

By using a logical, input-output system to determine the positioning of co-ordinates and implement the plotting of lines, Davis is attempting to reconcile the irrational and the rational, or rather; the aesthetic and the mathematical.
